Please consider partnering with us to feed the hungry.

Feeding the hungry in our community truly takes a village! You are invited to be in partnership with us through becoming a regular donor of financial resources and/or in-kind donations. The following is a list of items we use regularly and would really appreciate.
Our storage facility is limited in space. To make sure we have room for your items please contact Marcia Beer first to make sure we are able to meet you with your donation.
Food Related Items
Paper Towels
Plastic Forks, Spoons, Knifes Three compartment foam plates Paper Plates - large and small. Foam dessert bowls, soup bowls Paper Napkins - seasonal are welcome. |
Other ways to contribute
Canned goods are always welcome
Especially appreciated are: Fruit - pineapple, pears, applesauce, peaches, berries (we use 16-18 cans per meal service) Vegetables - green beans, peas, carrots, beans Peanut butter At certain times we may accept perishables - please contact us at [email protected] to check on our current needs. |